A brief history of the Cycles

Nothing in existence is truly linear—everything moves in cycles. Life begins as a spark, a seed of potential, but it does not evolve in isolation. It requires elements from its environment, merging with the ever-present will toward organization and increasing complexity. This will to life is universal, multiversal, and extra-dimensional. Just as we began as a single point of energy, so too did the universe, and beyond it, the multiverse.

Listen to the Intro to the Cycles

In exploring the cycles, we start at the dawn of the multiverse, uncovering a cosmological system that was understood by the ancients and is now being rediscovered by modern theorists. The primordial cycles establish the framework for all lower-conscious life. Once this foundation is set, a soul can enter the String Cycle and begin its long process of exploration and integration within the interdimensional, multiversal Net.

The cycles are not independent; they are nested within one another in a toroidal structure. While they overlap, their unique vibrational frequencies prevent them from mixing incarnations. At the center of this torus lies Zeru, the eternal source. While everything else spirals, expands, and contracts, Zeru remains fixed—unchanging and all-encompassing. It exists in all states simultaneously, embodying both the absolute and the infinite potential. It is the silent pillar within the endlessly cycling web of existence.

A Brief Timeline of Cycles

Listen for a more detailed explanation of cycles

A basic understanding of outer shell Cycles. Cycles exist in all things, from the vast structure of the cosmos to the smallest functions of life. The outer shell cycles are the grand, overarching patterns that shape reality itself—governing the rise and fall of universes, the movement of consciousness, and the expansion and contraction of existence. Yet, within these immense cycles, countless smaller cycles unfold, each nested within the other like layers of a vast cosmic design. The human body alone is a universe of cycles—its cellular cycle constantly renewing, its breath cycle sustaining life, its emotional cycles shaping experience, and its life cycle mirroring the journey of all things through birth, growth, decay, and renewal. Even time itself is a cycle, flowing in spirals rather than lines, endlessly repeating yet never quite the same. Understanding these cycles is not just about seeing patterns—it is about recognizing the interconnected nature of all things, where the grand and the minute are reflections of the same eternal flow.

The Primordial Void Cycle

Before form, before motion, before separation—there is only the Void. It is neither darkness nor light. It is a blank, empty nothingness, undivided and absolute. There is no sound, no perception, no thought—only stillness. It is beyond comprehension, yet it is the foundation from which all things arise.

The void must exist first, but what came before the void? The answer is unknown, though it is presumed that the void is part of a far greater cycle, one beyond all possible understanding. Though formless and unchanging, the void is not a place of absence—it is ever-present unity, existing at the center of the toroidal flow of reality. Without it, nothing could spin, and nothing could cycle.

The Threshold Period is the first disruption of nothingness. It is the transition between absolute stillness and the first stirrings of possibility. Here, potential emerges as formless thought, though there is nothing yet to be perceived. Everything remains unified in non-existence, but the first will toward separation has been initiated. Soon, Emergence will ignite the spark that leads towards manifestation.

The Emergence Period begins with a single spark. This first motion, tiny yet infinite, marks the birth of the Strings. Initially, only a few extend from the void, but as they move, they fracture into more, and then more, cascading into an immeasurable expanse of threads.

This process is not dictated by conscious planning but by resonance. The strings align at nodes, forming intricate patterns, endlessly branching outward. Where misalignment occurs, it corrects itself, drawn toward harmony by its fundamental impulse. This is the birth of the Net, the unseen lattice that weaves all of existence.

From the Emergence Cycle, life follows. Souls fracture, embedding themselves within the strings as quantum echoes of a future thought. As universes rise and fall within their own cycles of expansion and contraction, the multiversal expansion continues—an unceasing flow of possibility actualizing itself from the void.

The Reflection Period marks the collapse of the Void Cycle. Here, it begins a period of forgetting. When all potentials throughout the multiversal system have reached the point of actualization, it begins to condense.

As it compresses back towards nothingness, it leaves behind echoes. Residual energies leave imprints behind that slowly dissolve away, leaving minor marks, like a favored curve on a ripple of fabric. They will influence future realities in subtle ways, outside of direct awareness.

The Nullification Period is the final collapse, marking the complete return to unity. It is the great reset, the destruction that precedes rebirth. All structures are broken down, all systems are reorganized, and the past is erased—but never entirely lost.

Traces always remain. The bricks of forgotten temples may crumble into dust, but the dust endures. It drifts, settles, and eventually compacts into new forms. Memories are lost, but their impressions linger, ready to be reshaped into the foundation of the next great cycle. The end is never truly the end—only the preparation for the beginning to emerge once again.

Quantum Cycles

Frequency range ≈ 1040 to 1048 Hz

At the most fundamental level of existence, before any complexity emerges, there are simple, vibrating strings. These strings are born from the void, the primal state at the dawn of the multiverse. They extend in every conceivable direction, splitting, fracturing, and weaving into the very fabric of space, permeating all possible realms. As the foundational building blocks of reality, they precede all further development and serve as the genesis of the soul cycles. Their origin forms a loop back to the Primordial Genesis Cycle, creating a seamless connection between the infinitely large and the infinitesimally small.

In the framework of string theory, these one-dimensional strings are considered the most fundamental entities in the universe. Their vibrations, occurring at specific frequencies, give rise to all known particles and forces. Each mode of vibration corresponds to a distinct particle or interaction, encoding the fundamental properties of matter and energy.

These strings are theorized to exist at the Planck length (10-35 m.), the smallest measurable scale in the universe, where the conventional understanding of space and time breaks down. Vibrating through multidimensional space, these strings span the entirety of the multiverse and act as the most elementary components of all physical phenomena, from particles to the forces that govern their interactions.

The String Cycle is the beginning, but it is closely tied to the Primordial Genesis Cycle. In the ouroboros, the String Cycle is represented just at the tip of the tale. It is always being generated and always being consumed, in an eternal and orderly cycle of existence.

Frequency range ≈ 1020 to 1026 Hz

Quarks are fundamental subatomic particles that serve as the building blocks of matter. Through their unique spin properties and bonding forces, quarks form the protons, neutrons, and other particles that make up the atomic nucleus. Quarks are elementary entities—they are not composed of smaller particles.

Protons are composed of two up quarks and one down quark, while neutrons consist of two down quarks and one up quark. These configurations determine the charges of these particles: protons carry a positive charge, and neutrons are neutral.

Quarks cannot exist independently. They are always found bound to at least one other quark, usually in pairs of two or three. The inseparability of quarks offers a profound parallel to metaphysical principles: nothing exists in isolation. Quarks exemplify the concept that form and function emerge through relationships, whether in duality (pairs) or triplicity (triplets). Just as there are no monopoles, there are no solitary entities in existence.

The Quark Cycle operates within a frequency range that bridges the fundamental forces of subatomic interactions, setting the stage for the formation of the atomic and material worlds.

Frequency range ≈ 1018-1020 Hz

Here, we move beyond quarks to explore entire particles such as protons, neutrons, and electrons. Though this cycle remains incredibly small in scale, it marks the first steps toward material form. Protons, through their bonding interactions, define the distinct elements on the periodic table. These tiny particles, though fundamental to all matter, are primarily focused on their bonds with other sub-atomic particles at this stage.

Electrons are the most dynamic particles within this field. These negatively charged particles orbit the nucleus and play a key role in energy transfer and chemical reactions. Most notably, electrons are the foundation of electricity, as their movement through a conductor generates electrical current. Electrons determine chemical bonds,

Despite their small size, atoms harbor an extraordinary amount of energy. This energy, contained within the bonds of the nucleus and the interactions of electrons, powers both natural processes and human-made technologies, demonstrating the immense potential of the subatomic realm.

The Sub-Atomic Cycle serves as the foundation for the Atomic Cycle, where atoms emerge as unified entities capable of interacting with their environment. Without this cycle and the next, the material world as we know it could not exist.

Frequency range ≈ 109-1018 Hz

In the Atomic Cycle, the universe begins to take on tangible form through the interaction of atoms. This is the realm of chemical reactions, where atoms bond to form molecules, and these molecules collide, combine, and transform in endless activity. The Atomic Cycle is an active and dynamic stage, giving rise to the physical universe as we perceive it.

While this cycle is inherently chaotic, moments of self-organization emerge, revealing patterns amidst the randomness. One of the most striking examples is lattice structure, where atoms align in specific, repeating arrangements rather than random clusters. These structures form perfectly nested layers that extend for trillions of rows. Remarkably, there are only seven crystal lattice structures in nature. Despite the infinite possibilities for atomic arrangement, these lattices arise due to geometric principles that favor bonds at certain angles, achieving stability and order.

The principles of self-organization seen in this cycle are crucial lessons carried forward into the next stage, the Cellular Cycle. There, diverse components come together to form cells, which are fundamental to biological life. s.

Biological Cycles

Frequency range ≈ 105 to 109 Hz

The Cellular Cycle represents a significant leap in complexity, building upon the organizational principles established in the Atomic Cycle. Here, the focus shifts to the cell, a self-contained structure that functions as the fundamental unit of biological life. Within a cell, distinct components—akin to tiny organs, or organelles—work in harmony to perform the essential functions of life: growth, replication, energy production, and response to the environment.

Our bodies are home to trillions of cells, each specialized for a unique role within the larger biological system. Despite originating from the same foundation, cells can develop into vastly different forms based on their specific functions. This adaptability is most evident in stem cells, nature’s extraordinary invention, capable of differentiating into any cell type needed to sustain life and repair damage.

Each type of cell carries a unique vibratory signature, determined by its structure and function. Research into cellular vibration, notably through the pioneering work of Royal Rife, suggests that cells respond to specific frequencies, particularly within the megahertz range. While this research remains controversial and underexplored in modern medicine, it opens intriguing possibilities for harnessing frequencies to influence cellular health and behavior.

Cells are the cornerstone of all living organisms, providing the foundation for biological life. Their incredible ability to self-organize, adapt, and function as part of a larger system demonstrates the intricate harmony of this cycle. In the next stage, the Multicellular Cycle, we will explore how cells cooperate and integrate to form more complex living organisms, starting with plants.

Frequency range ≈ 10,000 to 100,000 Hz

The Multicellular Cycle begins with simple organisms like algae and extends to encompass the entire plant kingdom, showcasing a remarkable range of biological diversity. At its core, this cycle is built upon the principles of cellular cooperation, where individual cells work together to form cohesive and complex structures. This collaboration enables life to flourish in extraordinary ways, as seen in the transformation of a tiny seed into a towering tree, using only nutrients, water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide from the environment.

One striking example of order within the plant kingdom is the Fibonacci sequence, which governs the arrangement of petals, leaves, and seeds in many plants. This mathematical pattern emerges from lessons developed in previous cycles, where specific angular formations provided optimal conditions for growth and efficiency. The repetition of this pattern highlights the inherent order and intelligence of natural processes, carried forward from earlier cycles.

Photosynthesis should not be overlooked. Plant cells use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen, fueling growth and sustaining ecosystems. This intricate series of chemical reactions relies on the cooperation of many specialized cells, each playing a vital role in converting energy efficiently. The cellular integrity established in the Cellular Cycle ensures that this process runs seamlessly, enabling plants to grow, reproduce, and thrive.

Through cellular cooperation and optimized processes, plants demonstrate how life can harness energy, adapt, and self-organize on a grand scale. This cycle sets the stage for the next evolutionary leap, the Zoological Cycle, where even greater complexity arises with the development of animal life.


Frequency range ≈ 1,000 to 10,000 Hz

The Zoological Cycle encompasses all animals, insects, birds, and marine creatures, marking the beginning of conscious development as we understand it. While thought processes emerge within this cycle, they remain primarily instinctual and lack the self-awareness that defines higher consciousness.

At the base of this cycle are flatworms and simple marine organisms, representing the initial stages of the animal mind. Here, behavior closely resembles the Cellular Cycle, driven largely by unconscious impulses and simple interactions. However, as evolution progresses, this cycle quickly becomes more complex. Animals gain the ability to explore their environments in ways that were impossible for plants and simpler life forms.

Biological advancements, particularly the development of brains, fundamentally transform this cycle. The emergence of neural networks allows for conscious interactions and behaviors that were previously inaccessible. While these creatures still lack self-awareness, their intuitive world becomes rich and nuanced, laying the foundation for the unconscious mind in the next cycle.

A striking characteristic of this cycle is the unity within species. Animals, lacking self-awareness, remain deeply attuned to their morphogenic fields—collective energetic fields that guide their instincts and behaviors. This connection facilitates rapid species-wide adaptation and synchronized actions that are rarely disrupted by individual impulses. Unlike humans, animals do not question their instincts, allowing them to fully access their collective consciousness. More on morphogenic fields is detailed in the section on unity.

At the upper end of this cycle are highly intelligent species such as dolphins, elephants, and certain primates. These animals display advanced cognitive abilities and behaviors that bring them close to the threshold of the Anthropogenic Cycle. If a species were to break through into the next cycle, it would do so collectively, as such transitions occur species-wide rather than individually. This leap is extraordinarily rare but has happened in the past. Humans are the result of earlier primates crossing this boundary, developing self-awareness and other defining traits described in the next section.

Frequency range ≈ 0.5 to 1,000 Hz

The Anthropogenic Cycle is defined by high degrees of conscious awareness and self-recognition, setting it apart from the instinct-driven nature of lower cycles. This stage is characterized by the emergence of language, technology, culture, and symbolic thinking. Early indicators of this cycle include burial practices involving objects and symbols, as well as art that conveys meaning beyond its immediate form. These expressions reflect the complex thought patterns that are absent in previous cycles.

Humans occupy the lower to mid-range of this frequency spectrum. While we have made significant technological advancements, our spiritual and emotional development lags behind. This imbalance manifests in our personal lives, societies, and global conflicts, such as war and environmental degradation. For humanity to progress within this cycle, we must reintegrate with nature, embrace compassion for one another, and cultivate harmony within ourselves and our communities.

Contrary to common assumptions, extremely advanced beings in this cycle do not necessarily rely on highly complex technology. Instead, they live in alignment with the spirit of unity, guided by profound empathy and interconnectedness. These beings often possess telepathic abilities, which arise naturally from their trust and harmony with one another. Their lives reflect a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all things, transcending material reliance.

Human brainwave activity spans a wide range within this cycle. In deep sleep, Delta waves (0.5–4 Hz) govern unconscious states. Theta waves (4–8 Hz), which emerge during light sleep and meditation, foster creativity and intuition. Within this range, the Earth’s frequency, known as the Schumann Resonance (7.83 Hz), aligns with Theta waves, creating an opportunity for humans to commune with the Earth spirit during meditation. This state is believed to promote healing for both the individual and the planet. Alpha waves (8–13 Hz), associated with relaxation and alertness, bridge the gap to higher frequencies, while Beta waves (13–30 Hz) and Gamma waves (30–100 Hz) correspond to active thinking, problem-solving, and peak cognitive states. While human brains typically max out at around 100 Hz, the Anthropogenic Cycle allows for the possibility of advanced conscious life exceeding these limits, operating with heightened neural activity that supports telepathic communication and a deeper resonance with their environment.
Progressing beyond the Anthropogenic Cycle involves a dramatic leap in conscious development. The subsequent cycles transcend the material realms entirely, delving into the spiritual and aethereal dimensions. Humans have glimpsed these spiritual realms during near-death experiences, meditative states, and between lives. In the next stage, lifeforms become avid explorers of the spiritual realms, advancing into the Aethereal Cycles where consciousness expands beyond physical limitations.


Aethereal Cycles:

In the Aethereal Cycles, we escape the material world entirely, though some may still choose to interact with it. The full spiritual realms open before us, unrestricted by physical limitations. We traverse the multiverse as spiritual entities, unchained from any singular reality, free from suffering, mortality, and the constraints of time.

However, this is not the end of our journey. Growth, learning, and transformation continue. We are newborns in a vast, unfamiliar space, just as we were in the material realm. Having mastered all the lessons of physical existence, we now face an entirely new path—one with its own unique challenges.


When a spirit first ascends, it enters the Guardian Cycle. Here, we become observers of the greater Cosmos. The spiritual and material realms are open for exploration, and a spirit embarks on an entirely new path of self-discovery.

In the Anthropogenic Cycle, we glimpsed the spiritual realms—we watched over our bodies and our loved ones as we said farewell to our former lives. We visited the aethereal planes in between incarnations, but we were merely travelers. Now, we are residents.

Many wander for a long time, disoriented, detached from past identities. There are no formal guides or fixed paths to follow. The aethereal realms, like the material ones, are vast and varied, and the nature of a spirit’s journey is entirely its own.

To reach the next stage of development, a spirit must gain a sense of identity and purpose, newly designed for the spiritual world. Without this sense of identity, a spirit will not possess the conscious clarity required to integrate soul shards in the next cycle.

When a spirit gains clarity of its direction within the multiversal space, it embarks on the long journey of reconnecting with its greater identity, integrating the fractured aspects of itself into a unified whole. This process is essential for developing agency within the spiritual realms, allowing the spirit to operate with intentionality rather than being swept along by unconscious forces.

During the Integration Cycle, a spirit seeks out and encounters multiple lost fragments of its soul, guiding them toward the path of ascension. When these fragmented aspects successfully ascend, they are gathered and reintegrated into the larger spirit body, restoring lost knowledge and enhancing the spirit’s resonance. Some fragments may already have reached ascension on their own; in these cases, integration occurs naturally upon contact, as their vibrational frequencies align without resistance.

As integration unfolds, the spirit regains access to memories from its former lives. This expanded awareness allows for greater insight and effectiveness in assisting other fragmented aspects of itself. However, it also presents risks—memories of past attachments may resurface, stirring emotions and drawing the spirit back toward material reality. This struggle highlights the necessity of mastering detachment in the earlier material cycles. The practices and spiritual truths we embody in our present life have long-term consequences, shaping our ability to navigate the Integration Cycle with clarity and focus.

Each successful reintegration elevates the spirit’s resonance, accelerating its progression through the cycle. This process must be repeated until the spirit reaches a high enough vibrational state to transcend the cycle entirely. Once this occurs, the spirit attains true agency within the Net, gaining the ability to actively shape and influence its journey through the higher dimensions.

In the Neter Cycle, a spirit assumes a vital role in maintaining the integrity of the multiversal fabric, ensuring that the Cosmic balance remains undisturbed within the intricate threads of the Net. Entities who reach this stage become stewards of the aetherial realms, working to preserve the stability of existence itself. Their primary duty is to monitor and repair distortions in the Net, reinforcing the seamless flow of energy across the multiverse and the spiritual dimensions.

Unlike those bound to the lower cycles, the Neter do not seek influence over others, nor do they engage in direct creation. They do not seek to dominate but to preserve. They are observers and facilitators of progression, dedicated to ensuring that all fragmented consciousness has the opportunity to evolve without interference. Their work is silent yet significant, protecting the integrity of existence while remaining unseen by those who have yet to ascend.

The Neter only intervene in the lower cycles when a disruption threatens the equilibrium of the Net. Their presence is not felt unless necessary; they do not interfere with the natural process of spiritual development. Instead, they serve as guides for those who have reached the aetherial cycles, illuminating the path of higher evolution. Their example reflects the continuous expansion of consciousness, demonstrating that true spiritual mastery does not seek dominion over others. Instead, it seeks to uphold the balance of the Cosmos, furthering personal enlightenment by helping others to do the same. Through their work, they lay the foundation for entry into the highest realms, where entities are birthed from primordial Chaos, woven through the tapestry of the universal matrix.

The Ennead are nine formless spiritual entities, born at the inception of our multiverse, when existence itself was still in its infancy, and universes had only just begun to take root. Within our multiversal system, only nine beings have ever reached this cycle, making them the rarest and most ancient consciousnesses in the multiversal structure.

Unlike the entities of the lower cycles, each member of the Ennead embodies all polarities, integrating every spectrum of existence—masculine and feminine, creation and destruction, stillness and motion. This all-encompassing nature grants them abilities beyond the reach of those beneath them. However, despite their immense spiritual embodiment, they are not omnipotent. They, too, are bound by the fundamental laws that govern the multiverse and must navigate the constraints of existence like all other beings, albeit at a level of complexity incomprehensible to those below.

The Ennead are observers of all degrees of the multiverse, overseeing the network. Unlike the Neter, who rise from the lower cycles through ascension, the Ennead were born at the dawn of the Chaos cycle, long before material existence took form. They emerged from the raw energies of the multiverse itself. Their consciousness predates time as we understand it, and yet, they too, embarked on the same path of self-discovery undertaken by every being within the spiritual hierarchy. Without names or predetermined roles, each member of the Ennead forged their own journey, carving individual paths that ultimately led them to balance and integrate into a cohesive unit that works in harmony with the Cosmos.

Despite their wisdom and vast knowledge, the Ennead continue to evolve. Their cycle does not mark completion. They explore massive spans of dimensions and face challenges that transcend the limitations of the lower cycles. Even at their level, they are subject to trials—albeit of a nature beyond human comprehension. Their existence serves as a testament that spiritual progression is endless, no being ever reaches absolute perfection. Mistakes are part of every cycle, a necessary part of the journey of a soul. We should not, therefore, strive for perfection, but strive to unify our spirits towards our higher purpose: spiritual evolution.

There are more cycles in the spiritual realms beyond that of the Ennead, however, their parameters are currently unknown.

ays, outside of direct awareness.

Larger Shell Cycles


Frequency range ≈ 0.1 to 5,000 Hz

Planets are living entities that exist within the Planetary Cycle. While not all planets are hospitable to life, many are, each playing a unique role in the cosmos. To better understand planetary life, we will examine Earth, though it is important to note that planets vary greatly in their characteristics. For instance, gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn have vastly different systems and dynamics compared to terrestrial planets.

On Earth, every component serves a purpose within the greater planetary body. Rivers function like veins, transporting essential nutrients and water. Trees act as lungs, exchanging gases to maintain the atmosphere. Animals support biodiversity and help regulate population balances, ensuring the ecosystem remains stable. Earth, while host to an immense variety of life, is not consciously directing every component, just as the cells and organs within a human body function largely outside of conscious awareness.

Humans, as beings within the Anthropogenic Cycle, play a critical role in this system. They have the unique ability to resonate with their planet, acting as both its caretakers and amplifiers. Many ancient civilizations understood this principle, designing temples and sacred spaces with geometries that harmonized with the Earth’s energy and radiated spiritual energy toward the cosmos. Netism seeks to restore and expand upon these ancient practices.

A planet’s resonance reflects its internal dynamics and external environment. Earth’s resonance, known as the Schumann resonance, is 7.83 Hz, a frequency dictated by the Earth’s surface-ionosphere cavity. Gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn exhibit lower resonances around 1–2 Hz, due to their immense size and unique atmospheric properties. The lowest theoretical resonance for planets is approximately 0.1 Hz, while the highest reaches up to 5,000 Hz, potentially observed in smaller, highly active celestial bodies.

While planets like Earth host an extraordinary amount of life, the Universal Cycle, that follows, encompasses far more. It explores the interconnected existence of life, matter, and energy on a universal scale. This transition marks an expansion in scope, connecting planets to the broader structure of the cosmos.

Frequency range ≈ 10-18 to 1043 Hz

Our universe was born at the Big Bang, from a primordial state into expansion. It is still expanding, although its rate of expansion is growing increasingly slower. At some point, it will reach its peak point of expansion and begin to contract. That will mark one half of its life cycle. Once it fully contracts, it will be reborn through another big bang event.

The universal cycle is host to many, many planets, each with its own lifespan, some of them populated by life to varying degrees of advancement. The universal cycle builds upon the planetary cycle in the way that countless lifeforms are organized within this body. Its expansiveness allows for preparation for the next cycle which encompasses the entire multiverse.

The frequency span of this cycle is incredibly large, as it encompasses all life within the universe down to the Planck scale.

Frequency range ≈ 10-18 to 1043 Hz

The Cosmic Cycle encompasses the entirety of our multiverse as a singular, interwoven system, originating from the same Cosmic seed. This cycle acknowledges the relationships between all universes within our multiverse, including their vast spatial dimensions and material manifestations. While our multiverse is merely one among many, this cycle does not account for those beyond it—its scope is bound to the unity of this particular multiversal construct.

The scale of the multiverse is beyond ordinary comprehension, containing an uncountable number of universes, each with its own set of physical laws, constants, and governing principles. Some universes mirror our own, differing only in minute details, while others exist under entirely foreign conditions, bound by alternate mathematical frameworks or energy structures. Though the exact number of universes is nonquantifiable, it is not infinite—there exists a boundary to this multiversal matrix, though its parameters remain beyond current perception.

While the Cosmic Cycle represents the totality of all matter-based existence, it is distinct from the Chaos Cycle. The Cosmic Cycle pertains strictly to the material realms—the observable and measurable dimensions of space-time. It does not include the realms of spirit, consciousness, or causality that exist beyond the constraints of physical law. Those realms are governed by the Chaos Cycle, which weaves through and around the material multiverse, yet exists independently from it.

The Cosmic Cycle is where the interplay between creation, entropy, and renewal unfolds at the grandest scale. Just as stars are born, burn brightly, and collapse into remnants, entire universes emerge, evolve, and eventually fade. The multiverse pulses in an eternal rhythm, expanding and contracting across incomprehensible spans of time. It adheres to the Law of Cycles, ensuring that even at its greatest reaches, the principles of renewal and transformation remain constant.

While individual universes may seem isolated, they are all connected through the greater Cosmic framework. Energies, particles, and forces transcend the boundaries between them, influencing distant realities in ways yet to be fully understood. This interwoven nature suggests that what occurs in one universe can subtly reverberate across the multiversal tapestry, aligning with the broader principle that all existence remains entangled within the same

Non-quantifiable, outside of material realms

The Chaos Cycle extends beyond the multiverse, incorporating all non-material realms within its vast structure. It encompasses the entire network of spiritual realms, linking all beings who have transcended the material planes into a greater interconnected system. This cycle is the highest known expanse of existence, housing every form of energy, consciousness, and potential beyond the confines of physical reality.

Chaos is not disorder, it is the embodiment of both order and disorder. It contains all polarities simultaneously, yet it is distinct from Zeru. While Zeru represents pure, undifferentiated potential, Chaos is potential in motion—an active, unfolding force that weaves the fabric of existence, shaping and reshaping all that emerges from the void.

At the dawn of the Chaos Cycle, everything existed in a primordial state, unified and undivided. From this singularity, the first strings of reality extended outward, branching and fracturing, forming the early foundations of universes. As the material realms crystallized into existence, Chaos did not fade into the background; rather, it remained as the silent force that ensured balance, sustaining the delicate interplay between expansion and dissolution.

Chaos is the great overseer, yet it is not conscious—at least, not in a way that can be comprehended. It operates as an all-encompassing system, containing everything that has ever manifested, everything that is yet to come, and even that which will never be realized. At times, Chaos appears as if it holds intelligence, threading synchronicities into the lives of beings across dimensions, or bending the trajectory of an entire universe with the flick of an unseen force. These instances are not random but serve a purpose—sparking insight, driving innovation, and igniting moments of awakening.

Despite its name, Chaos is more often characterized by order. However, this order is not rigid; it flows, adapts, and shifts. On occasion, Chaos will pluck a thread from the infinite aethereal strings of the Net, sending ripples through dimensions, creating unforeseen disruptions. These moments are fleeting, but in their wake, life is stirred into motion, forced to evolve, to question, to seek new meaning. It is through these disruptions that extraordinary breakthroughs occur.

Chaos is the force that propels existence toward its ultimate expansion, pushing reality further into its potential, actualizing every possibility within the multiversal matrix. Yet, even Chaos is bound by the Law of Cycles. What expands must eventually contract. What begins must one day end. In time, all of Chaos will fold back into itself, collapsing into Zeru, returning to the singular state of pure, undisturbed potential. However, no ending is absolute. Just as every end signals the close of one cycle, it also marks the beginning of another. This is the eternal truth—existence does not cease; it only transforms, forever shifting through the infinite dance of creation and dissolution.

Primordial and undefined

Zeru is the Great Abyss, the silent expanse where all that will ever exist remains in a state of pure potential. It is the foundation upon which nothing rests, and it is the source of everything. It is absolute and unshaped, untouched by form or limitation. Though often described as the void, it is not emptiness—it is fullness beyond measure, containing all possibilities without differentiation.

Zeru has neither beginning nor end. Unlike every entity, force, and cycle within the multiverse and beyond, Zeru does not emerge, evolve, or fade. It is the singular exception to the Law of Cycles, the unmoving axis around which all motion spirals. While all of existence flows in endless currents of expansion and contraction, Zeru remains still, unchanging and eternal.

It is the center of the toroidal force that governs Chaos and all that lies within and beyond. Every manifestation, every consciousness, every thread of the Net moves in ceaseless cycles, forever orbiting Zeru. It is the fixed point through which all life transitions—both the origin and the final destination. From Zeru, all things emanate, and to Zeru, all things must return.

Zeru is the ever-present light, illuminating both the past and the future, yet remaining separate from time itself. While all else transforms—growing, learning, breaking, rebuilding—Zeru neither progresses nor regresses. It simply is. And yet, without Zeru, nothing could exist. It is the silent witness, the unfathomable depth, the purest essence of being before becoming.