Life After Death
Netism presents reincarnation as a credible and affirmable explanation for life after death. The science of reincarnation is more intricate than often recognized, and this text will explore its complexities in detail.
The soul is eternal, as are spirit and consciousness. If these ever had a beginning, it remains unknown. They endure far longer than our memories can reach, progressing through cycles of development largely inaccessible to our current awareness. One day, even our present understanding will fade as we advance, evolving endlessly into realms unknown.
While energy is eternal, its form and location are not. Death is inevitable, but so too is life after death. Whether our departed loved ones linger in a timeless realm between worlds or exist elsewhere, their consciousness and spirit endure, continuing on their infinite journey.
Multiversal Incarnation
We have lived countless lifetimes scattered throughout the multiverse. While accessing these memories is often challenging, the lessons from those lives remain imprinted on our spirit. There is no doubt that advanced life exists elsewhere in the vast expanse of the cosmos. Numerous planets host advanced civilizations, and we have experienced life on many of them.
Although life on other planets may differ greatly from what we know—perhaps following entirely different physical laws—the spirit of life is universal. Beings that have evolved sufficiently live in harmony with what we call the spirit of unity. For humanity, true unity is still a distant goal, but it is one we continue to strive for regardless of our current stage.
Interestingly, not all lives occur in temporal order. While it is rare for a spirit to have multiple consecutive lifetimes on the same planet, when it happens, the sequence is not always linear. For instance, a future life could take place thousands of years in the past, such as in ancient Greece. From our current perspective, this concept is difficult to grasp because we view time as linear. However, when a spirit exists between worlds—detached from the material plane—this non-linear flow of time becomes clear.
Some individuals alive today may have lived their most recent past life in Earth’s future. These individuals may demonstrate an uncanny ability to envision and predict future technologies or historical events. A notable example is Jules Verne, the author of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (published in 1870), in which he described submarines, and From the Earth to the Moon (published in 1865), which imagined space travel. It is possible that Verne retained fragments of knowledge from a lifetime where these technologies were already well understood, much like we comprehend submarines and rockets today.
The Place Between Worlds
When a spirit is ready to leave the physical plane after death, it transitions to the spiritual realms—a space beyond time and matter where existence is truly timeless.
Most spirits do not immediately enter the spiritual planes after death. Instead, they typically take about six days to process the event. This is one reason why funerary traditions are often held within a week of someone’s passing. During this period, spirits usually remain nearby to recognize their new state and bid farewell to loved ones or other attachments. Regardless of how firmly someone believes in life after death, confronting their own lifeless body is a shocking and disorienting experience. For this reason, spirits often take some time to adjust before they are ready to move on.
Some spirits linger longer. In cases of sudden or violent deaths, consciousness can fracture, leaving a spirit temporarily unaware of its own demise. Others remain by choice, unwilling to release a particular person, object, or due to fear of the unknown. In all these instances, the spirit stays until it decides to depart.
Once a spirit finally moves on, it enters the life review—a phase in which it revisits its entire life, examining its actions and their broader implications. During this process, alternate timelines also become accessible, allowing the spirit to explore “what if” scenarios and see how different choices might have unfolded. This expanded perspective helps the spirit gain invaluable insights into its journey.
Although our conscious mind may forget, the spirit retains these lessons through instinct and resonance. By listening to our inner core—those impulses guiding us away from specific actions—we can avoid repeating the same mistakes life after life.
In the next section, we will shed light on the process where a spirit is rebirthed into a new life.
Our Life is Eternal
Our existence extends far beyond what we can consciously recall. We are eternal, fluid, spiritual beings who once spent eons in the lower cycles before entering this cycle of advanced conscious life. Briefly inhabiting physical bodies during each incarnation, we persist through countless lives, each one an opportunity for growth, until we transcend our limitations.
Life is a journey of learning, and none of us are perfect. Though we may not have all the answers yet, ascension is possible through dedicated effort. Mastery requires less of us than we think, yet its practice often eludes us. True progress lies in embracing forgiveness—of others and ourselves—while choosing unity and empathy over anger and fear.
When we make mistakes, there is no grand punishment awaiting us. Instead, we endure the pain our actions inflict upon us until we grow beyond our broken state. Through reflection, healing, and striving for harmony, we gradually align with the higher vibrations needed for ascension.
Our journey is infinite, yet every moment holds the potential for transformation. By choosing love, understanding, and forgiveness, we rise beyond our limitations and move closer to realizing the full potential of our eternal spirit.
The Next Life
Contrary to popular belief, the next life is usually random and does not directly reflect the circumstances of the previous one. There is no grand system of punishment or retribution for past mistakes. For example, a person who wronged a specific group will not necessarily become a victim of that group in the next life. Instead, a spirit carries the same disposition it had in its prior life. If one life mirrors the struggles of another, it is often due to unresolved spiritual maladies, with the spirit repeating the same mistakes from lessons left unlearned.
It is for this reason, we emphasize that when a person is awake enough to seek growth and ascension, that they do so with absolute fervor. If we cannot fix our ailments in this life, we will be forced to do so in the next.
When we are born into a new life, we typically forget the ones that came before. Our minds are blank slates, yet memories of past experiences are stored in the spirit. Though spirits cannot remember in the way a brain does, they retain lessons through resonance. Strong emotions, especially those tied to pain and passion, leave lasting impressions on the spirit, forming its core lessons. These lessons often manifest as impulses or instincts. The more we tune into and trust these internal signals, the more we align with our spirit’s wisdom.
In rare cases, spirits advanced enough to approach the end of the cycle may choose where to incarnate next. Such decisions are made not for comfort but to maximize growth. True strength and ascension often arise through challenges.
Spirits journey through countless lives before they are ready to ascend. Even the most advanced beings encounter challenges, as all entities within this cycle are students of the same cosmic school.
This current cycle serves as a bridge between the material and aetherial (or purely spiritual) realms. After this, we fully enter the cosmic cycles within the spiritual realms. There, we learn and explore in an environment unattached to the material world, free to traverse the Cosmos.
The ancient Egyptians described this transcendence as “returning to the stars.” They referred not to physical life on another planet but to spiritual existence on higher planes. Their depiction of the Field of Reeds symbolized a realm where life continued without sickness or death—conditions that do not exist on the spiritual planes.